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Free Assessment

Drupal 7 is Almost Dead: Redesign or Replatform?

Fill out the form below for a free assessment to find out if your website needs a full redesign or a simple replatform when upgrading from Drupal 7. We'll send you a full report on your current website's usability, security, compliance and more to help you make the best decision.

redesign or replatform

Support for Drupal 7 is officially ending in November 2021.

Support for Drupal 7 is ending soon, which means upgrades are necessary for websites that want to stay secure, robust and technologically healthy. But an upgrade begs the question - do you simply replatform or go for a full redesign? Our tech experts are here to review your website and help you make an informed decision.

What you'll receive... 

Website Review

A thorough review of your website for usability, technology, security, compliance, SEO and more.

Full Report

A written report of your website assessment results, including scores and recommendations.

Clear Answer

A direct answer from our tech experts on whether you should redesign or replatform when upgrading from Drupal 7.