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Accessibility in Web Design (ADA Compliance)

Ensure your website is ADA compliant with this simple eBook & checklist. You'll gain valuable insights from our UX team to guide you through the entire process!

Accessibility in Web Design eBook Cover

1 in 5 adults in the U.S. have some form of disability.

All too often, websites are designed in a way that's inaccessible to those with physical or mental impairments. By neglecting accessibility in your web design, you're not only breaking the law, you're also missing out on 19% of potential business. Download our eBook to find out how to make your website accessible today!

This Accessibility eBook Includes...

Guiding Principles

The essential elements to consider when designing for accessibility.

4 Key Personas

Impairment personas to guide every step of your web design strategy.

Design Checklist

An actionable accessibility checklist you can start implementing today.